Do you Love your Heart Health? 5 Ways to Express It

Navishta Ikram
3 min readJul 26, 2022

The heart…is just the size of your fist, yet the most important organ. This tiny little organ is handling a lot. Do you know that heart pumps 2000 gallons of blood to the body regularly? It would be so unfair if we don’t take care of this tiny vital organ of us.

Unfortunately, our sedentary lifestyles contribute a lot to cardiovascular diseases. Global stats for 2019 showed that around 8.9 million people died because of chronic heart disease.

Here are a few easy-to-adopt habits that will ensure a healthy heart.

Show Love in the Form of Food:

“ We Become What We Eat”

To keep your heart in perfect working condition you have to quit the food that disturbs heart health. Foods that risk your heart health are saturated fats, more salty food items, processed and smoked meats, sweets, and fried foods.

Instead raise the portions of colorful fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains, beans, and omega-3-rich foods like fish and herb blends.

Drink Plenty of Water:

The human body is made of 70% of water. Water goes out of our bodies when we breathe or use the restroom.

Lack of water in the body thickens the blood resulting in the clog of arteries and veins. That results in blockage of heart vessels. This enhances the risk of a heart attack.

Keep yourself hydrated and show affection to your heart. An average male needs 3.7 liters of water. For women, it is 2.7 liters. Be mindful of daily water consumption.

Stay Active:

If you keep sitting on a couch all day long, or most of the day is spent sitting on an office chair, you are at great risk of obesity. Obesity is directly linked to many fatal diseases like diabetes and chronic heart issues.

Activity is a must for heart health. 3 types of excises can result in a healthy heart and so, do cardio, resistance, or stretching. The study claims that you must spend 75 mins of vigorous aerobic activity and 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises per week.

Dental Hygiene is a Must:

Dental hygiene is super important for the best running body functions. We eat from our mouth, and if our mouth is home to bad bacteria and viruses, how come our body resists the danger of many diseases? There is a deep connection between poor oral hygiene and heart risks.

So brush often and properly, floss on daily basis, see your dentist regularly and repeat.

Give up smoking:

Every cigarette you are avoiding is saving you from sudden death from heart disease. If you smoke you are at risk of a heart attack two times more than those who never smoked. Second-hand smoking is more hazardous for your health.

If you give up smoking now, your blood pressure normalizes, carbon monoxide levels will drop in your blood, and oxygen will freely move to your heart and other organs. You will feel the difference very soon.

Final thoughts:

Above mentioned habits will minimize the risk of heart attacks and other heart-related risks. Are you practicing some of these habits daily? Or what habits do you want to adopt this year?



Navishta Ikram

Content Writer and Copywriter, loves Nature and its all Shades ,Old School Romantic.