5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Cybersecurity Training

Navishta Ikram
3 min readAug 2, 2022

Since when the internet thing got the boom, cyber risks have been activated. With each passing day, cybercriminals are getting smarter and smarter with their attacks. Personal data breaches and phishing attacks leave a user paralyzed. Cybercrime losses have been on increase with each passing minute.

In the year 2021, the global loss to cybercrime was worth $6.9Billion, which was increased from $4.2 billion in 2020. It is the need of the hour to provide employees with nuts and bolts of cyber awareness.

Here are 5 inarguable reasons to invest in Cyber security training for your organization.

1. Time and Cost Effective

Would you season your employees with quality cyber awareness coaching or keep standing over their heads all the time to see what are they doing?

According to IBM security report 2020, it took businesses, 280 days precisely to detect a cyber breach. More than 69 days to contain it. it’s a Huge time loss, do not you think?? 23% of UK organizations lost between 10,000 pounds to 49000 pounds in terms of cyber branches.

Invest a few bucks for good, and Save lot more valuables, like fortune and time.

2. Customer Trust

These cyber breaches dissolve customer trust and motivate them to leave. A more dangerous situation can be posed if they seek legal help against your organization…what’s worse than that??

A survey conducted showed that 70% of customers are not satisfied with businesses’ cyber security measures. 2 out of 3 stated they would never do business with a business who have been at cyber risk in the past year or so.

Reputation loss is always bigger.

3. Confident and Skilled Employees

Quality security discipline lowers stress, fear, and uncertainty. It results in a more skilled, confident, knowledgeable workforce. It would put less stress on the IT department and more valuable time is saved.

4. Prevent Data Breaches

It is estimated that data breaches are caused by the human element. To keep an organization safe, employees must know what are they doing. data breaches are common because of a few mistakes like gaps in policies, ineffective processes, and lack of technological defense.

Quick tips for avoiding personal data breaches:

  • Avoid common words passwords, like 123 or phrases
  • No personal information in passwords, like your pet name, etc
  • A big no to recycling passwords. Put a little effort into your business.

5. Socially Responsible Business

Something disturbing about these cyber breach is that it takes time to exactly know how much damage has happened. On top of it, the more the network becomes infected, the other networks are exposed to more vulnerability. It poses threats to other networks as well.

Investing in a standard security awareness not only benefits you but your customers, suppliers, and everyone else. The Well-being of employees is highly dependent on this as they are less likely to be sick with worry.

Final verdict

An organization strengthens only when it fights external and internal threats together. You cannot leave a major risk unattended. In his era of the internet when growth opportunities are countless as stars, the risks and threats are also plenty in numbers.

These are the least reasons that you must invest in equipping more threat protection strategies.

Have you already took initiative for your business’ sake? How many reasons are convincing to you? Let us know below.



Navishta Ikram

Content Writer and Copywriter, loves Nature and its all Shades ,Old School Romantic.